Jasna Knez is a highly accomplished coach, mentor, and supervisor. She holds the prestigious Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is also an EIA MASTER Practitioner Certified Coach and Mentor. Her credentials extend to the ITCA Practitioner Team Coach and ESIA Coaching & Mentoring Supervisor, accredited by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) and the ICF.

She is the sole individual in Slovenia and the surrounding region to hold dual master-level credentials, having been recognized at all levels by both the ICF and EMCC — professional coach, professional team coach, coaching supervisor, and mentor. 

Beyond her personal achievements, she has played a pivotal role in elevating the awareness and development of professional coaching in Slovenia. Serving as the Vice President and co-founder of the Association for Coaches - International Coaching Federation (ICF) Chapter Charter Slovenia, she actively promotes sustainable growth and the coaching profession.

She also serves as a PCC Assessor for ICF and an EIA Assessor for EMCC Global.

Her professional expertise spans diverse industries, cultures, and client complexities.

In 2022 she was awarded CEO Today Magazine Executive Coach.



Marko Knez holds Professional Certified Coach credentials (PCC - ICF) - ICF and  EIA SENIOR within EMCC  (Evropski svet za coaching in mentorstvo) and works as a Business & Life Coach, Facilitator, Mentor, and Trainer. He is Jungian Master Coach & Professional Integral Coach certified by ICF and Organizational Coach within EMCC Global.

His coaching style is based on integral and Jungian psychology and is collaborative, pragmatic, and people-centered, where he aims to combine support and challenge in an appropriate balance. 




Sami Bugay, Master Certified Coach MCC - ICF and Registered Mentor Coach, NCC as well ICF Assessor. 

Sami received his initial coach instruction as a member of one of the first coach training cohorts in Turkey, and is a Master Certified Coach MCC-ICF, Registered ICF Mentor Coach, NCC - Certified Ontological Coach with over 7000 hours of coaching experience. Having continued his professional training and education over the years, Sami also mentors and develops emerging coaches.

Bugay, the author of Better Leaders Better Teams an Amazon Best Seller, as well as ITC – Integrated Team Coaching, is a prelector of the School of Life founded by Alain de Botton. He is currently the director and head educator of the “I.C. Integral Coaching ™”, an ICF accredited ACTP program.

In 2021, Bugay was recognized by Gestalt OSD Center Cleveland for his contributions to the coaching world with the Outstanding Graduate Award and Lifetime Achievement Award.

Andreja Anžur Černič is a professional certified coach - PCC certified by the International Coaching Federation​ ICF and EIA SENIOR within EMCC  (Evropski svet za coaching in mentorstvo). She is a certified business coach, trainer in leadership competencies, a master of transactional analysis, a practitioner of BioEnergetic Performance Psychology, an Expressive Arts Coach and trainer, as well as a lecturer and consultant in leadership. She is a Jungian Master coach and a C.P.I.C. Integrative coach.



Nena Veber, is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by International Coach Federation, EIA Senior by EMCC Global, and ESIA coaching supervisor. 

She is an Integral Coach and  Jungian Coach, INLAPTA NLP Trainer & NLP Master Coach, IMT® Intuitive Mental Trainer, Reiki Master & Theta Healing DNA Practitioner as well as Energy Kinesiology TFH Practitioner. 

She is also working as a coaching supervisor. 

She is a PCC assessor within the ICF and EMCC EIA assessor.


Pia Barborič Jurjaševič is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation and, EIA Senior by EMCC Global. 

She is an Organizational Coach (Embody Your Coaching Wisodm), Integral Coach, and  Jungian Coach and works as an Executive Coach and Mentor. 

Currently in the process of obtaining PCC credentialing.


Pia has more than 20 years of experience working as a General Manager in multinationals. She is active as an Executive Coach and mentor, and she has seen what it takes to create great leaders & managers, engaged individuals, good effective teams, and successful organizations.




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